Notifications for AWS CodePipeline Status Updates

Reghill J Manuelraj
3 min readFeb 7, 2021


AWS is one of the leading Cloud service providers with loads of services. AWS CodePipeline is the service which AWS provides for CI/CD. It is really a pain to login every time to AWS console to check the status of the pipeline if the new build succeeded or not.

Sending notifications regarding the status of the pipeline stages could be helpful. Let’s figure out how that could be done in AWS CodePipeline. And this could be done in AWS Free Tier Account!

Create Notification Rule in AWS CodeCommit

Login to the AWS Console and navigate to the CodePipeline that you desire to use. In my case, the pipeline is named as Demo.

Click on Notify > Create notification Rule.

Provide a notification name and select Detail type as either Full or Basic. The Details type Basic would provide only the information which is shared between other AWS services. If you select Full, it would provide additional details such as contents of error message and additional configurations added manually, if any.

There would be a list of events that could be configured to trigger notifications. Select all the events for which you need to be notified.


Then a target has to be created. Target is a place which would receive notifications on any event. Click on Create Target. Select the Target type as SNS topic and create target. SNS stands for Simple Notification Service.

From Configured targets(in figure Targets), choose target that is created above. In this example, it would be codestar-notifications- . Click Submit and the notification Rule is created.

Create Target

Create Subscription

Now that everything is ready, we need to specify subscription for this target created. The notification would be sent to this target and all the subscribers of this target would receive it.

Once the notification rule is created, it lands to a page which shows the notification rules. If not, go back to the pipeline. Click Notify > Manage notification rules > {notification-rule-name}.

Now, click on the Address or endpoint link that is created. In the new page, there is an option to create subscription. Click Create subscription.

There are many protocols by which you can receive notifications. Here I have selected Email. There are other options like SMS, Https etc. that you can explore. Click create subscription once you have filled all the details.

Now, whenever any change occurs in pipeline stages, it would trigger notifications that would land in the specified target and all the subscribers of the target would receive the notifications.

Make changes to Notification Rule

Now, whenever you feel the need to change the notification rule, click Notify > Manage Notification rules and make necessary changes and save it.

And thanks to AWS console, setting it up is fairly straightforward !



Reghill J Manuelraj
Reghill J Manuelraj

Written by Reghill J Manuelraj

An heuristic Application Developer with a hobby of scribbling my experiences

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